The software suppoting the communication between the laptop/PC
and the CCi-MOBILE Research Platform is open-source, and freely avaliable to all current
and future users. To access the CCi-MOBILE Software Suite online,
visit the Github page
located in the 'CCi-MOBILE Details' side pane. The CCi-MOBILE Software Suite
enables researchers to conduct a wide range of experiments. There are example
applications for custom sound processing strategies, audio capture and analysis,
a toolbox for conducting psychophysical experiments. The software is highly modular
and reconfigurable. Users can edit/modify the code to fit their experimental
needs. For those exploring pre-processing strategies, the routines are built so that custom
scripts can be easily integrated as a drop-in and run system.
Board-Specific Routines: Depending on the board type (electric-only: cochlear implant
research only; electric-and-acoustic: cochlear implant and hearing aid research, i.e., bimodal)
the communication routines will be customized to deliver the propoer output. There are two
sets of routines: (1) PC-based Software: MATLAB, 2) Android-based Software: JAVA, and (3)
Hardware-based Firmware: Verilog (inaccessible to all users, i.e., locked). In the application
for CCi-MOBILE, the nature of research will dictate the board type. When your research institution
recieves the board, it will come preloaded with the proper firmware. A member of our team will
follow up with a (.zip) of the appropriate software routines according to your board type. If
you are using Github, within the
'MATLAB' directory two folders will appear for Bimodal and for
Electric only.
Video Walk-through Materials for the CCi-MOBILE Software Suite
CCi-MOBILE Software Suite Overview
Software Downloads
Use the links below to download the latest source code and software suite: